Improving hand hygiene across Africa, saving lives one hand at a time!


Nigeria, 2012.The story of BTL is set in ​the staircase of a bustling hospital in ​southern Nigeria.

A young businessman, fresh from successfully closing a ​deal at a local hospital, reaches for the stairwell railing. ​But as he descends the stairs, a grimace replaces his grin. ​Instead of a sturdy support, his hand met something ​sticky. Yuck!

From Sticky Railings to Saving Hands: The BTL Story

... Shuddering, he searches for a hand sanitizer dispenser. ​None! A frantic search revealed nothing. Not a single ​dispenser, not even a sink to wash off the grimy stuff! ​This wasn't right. Coming from a place where hand ​sanitizer was as common as ‘pure water’, this was a public ​health crisis.

Then a spark ignited. A sticky situation, yes, but also a ​massive opportunity. What if he could bring that same ​level of hygiene awareness to hospitals across Nigeria, ​across Africa? What if people everywhere understood the ​power of clean hands to fight illnesses?

That’s the BTL Story. Our quest wasn't just to ​create affordable, effective hand sanitizers, we ​set out to be The Hand Hygiene Movement.

We’re still on it ...

The Vision. The Journey.

We dream up crazy campaigns. We tinker and test, for better ways to keep you safe. We build partnerships to reach every corner of Africa. We fight for the health of every single person.

Because good health shouldn't be a privilege - it's for everyone, one clean hand at a time.

So, next time you use BTL, remember - it wasn't a boardroom meeting or a market research report, it was a sticky staircase and a vision for a healthier Africa.

Also remember: we were there before COVID-19!

Join the movement!

BTL Hand Hygiene Range

Hand Sanitizer​

Hygiene simplified. Life amplified.

Multipurpos​e Liquid Soap

The Complete Clean: One bottle does it ​all.

Disin​fecting Bleach

Disinfects deep, cleans complete!

BTL Hand Hygiene Range

Po​cket Sanitizer

“I’m a good habit. Use me!”

Su​rface Spray

Because Germs Don't Deserve a 5-Star ​Hotel!

Li​quid Handwash

Make every wash a pampering moment.

BTL Everywhere

Strategic Partnerships

We're on a mission to keep ​Nigerians in tiptop shape with our ​top-notch hand hygiene products ​loved by airports, hospitals, and ​major retail stores across Nigeria!

"I take hand hygiene and well-being seriously.

I wouldn't trust anything but the safest and ​most effective formulas on my hands and in my ​home, and I can assure you the same goes for ​every BTL product."



Get in Touch

+234 906 178 2943